General Maritime Security (Management Level)

The course will be developed in 5 days during the instructor will illustrate the subjects, according to the contents listed above, through theoretical lessons with presentations and practical exercises. Day 1 The first day will be dedicated to illustrating after the overview on the course and the skills to be achieved the main international regulations, with particular reference to the Community regulatory framework such as the ISPS Code The main notions will be provided and the various related topics will be addressed to the figures responsible for security Day 2 On the second day follows the analysis of the risk understood as SSA, the security equipment and then ending with the Ship Security Plan [sSP], Day 3 the identification of threats will be detailed, concluding with the Security Levels and DOS Day 4 The first part of the day is dedicated to the examination of the concept of DOS (Declaration Of Security) followed by emergencies, exercises and training concludes the morning with the administrative management of security In the afternoon the partition of the administrative management ends, followed by the part dedicated to the new threat or Cyber Security Day 5 The first part of the day with the most used security equipment such as x-ray metal detector sniffer machines with their respective methods of calibration, verification and use.