General Maritime Safety (Management Level)

This training course is designed for all people engaged in any capacity on board ship as part of the ship’s complement with designated safety or pollution prevention duties in this operation of the ship. With the implementation of the Manila Amendments 2010, delegates will be trained as for STCW Code 1978, as amended section VI-1 Table A-VI/1.

The training programme is also focused to increase people’s competence on advanced firefighting techniques.

Delegates will refresh their basic fire skills and gain knowledge of command and control of fire teams, the organization and training of onboard fire parties and investigation and reporting of fire incidents onboard vessels. Delegates will be assessed by qualified assessors against the competences contained within the STCW Code.

To make the delegate competent to operate life-saving appliances and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat during or after launch. The Trainees will know the correct use of all location devices, including communication and signaling apparatus and pyrotechnics, how to apply first aid to survivors and the actions to take to preserve the lives of those in their charge.

Working at Hights and Proficiency in Medical Care will be also treated to complete most important subjects related to safety on board.