Accident Investigation Training

Maritime Analysis & Investigation Strategy (Management Level)

Safety investigation is here described in details following the basic five areas (People, Environment, Equipment, Processes and Procedures, Organization and External Influences). In this module will be studied a casualty investigation code, the proper use of equipment in accident investigation, the most suitable methodology of investigation, how to collect data and evidences, how to inspect casualty sites and to make interview to witnesses, how to conduct safety analysis and to make a correct reconstruction of the casualty events and their linked conditions, how to fill in investigation reports.

Maritime Analysis & Investigation Strategy (Management Level)

This intensive course, based on IMO Model course 3.11, is aimed at assisting the national marine accident investigation authorities in ensuring uniformity and consistency when carrying out investigations into marine casualties and incidents. The course addresses the effective implementation of the provisions of SOLAS regulations I/21 and XI-1/6 and the related IMO Casualty Investigation Course. The course provides insight into what is required when conducting casualty investigations, supporting the investigator in the field and what an investigation should achieve. After a review of the international background relating to the investigation of marine accidents and incidents, the course addresses the procedures required to support a marine casualty investigation in accordance with IMO requirements. Techniques for collecting, analysing and reporting are explained together with follow-up actions.

With the same approach will be introduced general requirements for aviation accident investigation based on ICAO standards.

The course is structured with the following modules:

International instruments and Organizations, Purpose of accident investigation, Analysis and investigation strategy, Casualty investigation code, Use of Equipment in accident investigation, Methodology of investigation, Data collection and interviewing, Investigation reports.

Aircraft Post Crash Management Incident (Officers Course)

This course is designed for personnel who have been designated to fulfil the role of Aircraft Post Crash Management Incident Officer (APCMIO). Major and above, Pilot, Eng. & ATC.

Key learning points:

  • Fundamentals of Post Crash management (PCM)
  • Duties and responsibilities of APCMIO
  • Immediate actions
  • Follow on actions
  • Crash site control and hazards
  • Emergency Services
  • Environmental considerations

Occurrence Investigators Course

The course is designed for staff involved in the investigation of air and ground safety incidents and hazard observations. Major and above, Pilot, Eng. & ATC.

Key learning points:

  • The fundamentals of Occurrence Investigation (OI)
  • Roles and responsibilities of an OI
  • What to investigate
  • When to investigate
  • How to investigate
  • Investigators reports
  • Blame culture
  • Learning from incidents
  • Recommendations tracking

Customized According to Need Training Courses

We have extensive experience delivering customized courses for a long list of organizations. Many of our customized training programs are based on existing short courses that are then modified for the organizations’ needs and presented at the companies’ facilities. Whether large or small, held on-campus, on-site, or online, our customized training professionals welcome the opportunity to meet your organization’s professional development needs. We specialists in : Advance firefighting, crisis management & emergency response, drilling & well control, competence management, safety & survival, lifting & crane operations and health and safety.

Other Services:

  • Consultancy
  • Planning
  • Advisory
  • Project Management
  • Customize Procedure
  • Customize Standard